Tampa Prep All-School News

Maker Mondays in the IDEA Lab

Written by Tampa Prep | Sep 12, 2019 12:00:00 AM

Our IDEA lab (Innovate Design Explore Apply) is a multi-functional makerspace that serves to support creative exploration in our library.  This space includes six virtual reality headsets, three 3D printers and a variety of tools and supplies for creating projects. Classes utilize the VR headsets to visit faraway locations and have immersive experiences.  Clubs hold meetings in the space during lunch. And after school every Monday from 3:30pm-4:30pm, we host Maker Mondays.


Maker Mondays are open to all middle and upper school students and faculty.  Every week, we explore a different topic or theme. At our first meeting this year (which was technically a Techie Tuesday) we explored Virtual Reality.  Students got a chance to try out several different apps, including Tiltbrush, which allows you to “paint” in three dimensions, and Nature Treks, in which you can explore and interact with a variety of landscapes. 

In addition to the three Oculus Rift and two HTC Vive headsets we have available in the IDEA lab, students also got to try out our new Oculus Quest, which is a completely wireless (no computer necessary) virtual reality experience.

For our second Maker Monday, we went low-tech with Recycled Book Art.  Students and teachers used worn out and out-of-date former library books to create a variety of art projects. 

By cutting, gluing, folding, drawing and collaging, everyone who participated came up with something unique that they were then able to take home. 

Projects included a cardboard laptop with screen cutouts from old Photoshop manuals, a shield made out of book covers, an illustrated astronomy book with definitions of various terms and a hanging book mobile.

Our Maker Monday schedule is announced at the beginning of every semester.  No sign-ups are necessary - students are welcome to pick and choose which dates they want to come to based on their interests.  For more information, e-mail Mrs. Rendina.