The Greater Tampa VEX League Championship round was held on Saturday, Feb. 1, and the Terrapins did incredibly well--their best in six years in the League.
Team 727 Red and Team 727 Gold (team members listed below) won the tournament championship award with a thrilling final.
The Terrapins had put up two stacked towers to the opponents' one and a half towers when 727 Gold tipped over. This gave the opponent the opening to put up one more tower in the final seconds which they tried. But they were too aggressive in driving, and collapsed both towers giving us the 45-30 point win.

Team 727 Red
Captained by Carl Bertolino
Team members: Alexander Lacy, Joseph Lechman, Johann Vennink and Yammile Barber
Team 727 Gold
Captained by Adam Thompson
Team members: Tim Calco, Ryan Kelly, Ethan Yeh, Joseph Thompson, and Ruijia Lyu
The middle school Team 727 Bale also did very well, winning the Judges Award for the best middle school team. In the Skills session, they put up a score of 17 points which currently puts them at 9th in the State of Florida and earned them an invitation to the VEX States tournament coming up on Feb. 15.
Team 727 Bale
Captained by Elise Bertolino
Team members: Sharif Chaudry, Jack Rocker, and Gentry Burns
Team 727 Red also did very well in the Skills session putting up an astounding 96 points (80 in driving and 16 in autonomous section) and winning the Top Skills Award in the League with the next best at 64 points. Team 727 Red is currently ranked 5th in the State of Florida and Team Gold with 33 points is ranked 31st in the State of Florida.
Team 727 Crimson
Captained by Hailley Siswanto
Team members: Aidan Larkin, Kendall Curtis, and Daniel Lopez
Team 727 Dark Red
Captained by Abby Mansour
Team members: Weston Weintraub, Riyadh Mustafa, Isabella Belnap, Kai Nelson
Both teams distinguished themselves well with rankings of 21st and 10th respectively in the VEX League. Team 727 Dark Red also got the invitation for high school, as their scores were high enough to qualify.
This is the MOST teams Tampa Prep has ever taken to VEX States: four out of the five in Robotics Club!
We congratulate all Tampa Prep Robotics Team members on a wonderful season and wish them the best on Feb. 15 in Lakeland for the VEX States Championships where we will have four teams competing for an opportunity to get bids to VEX Worlds event later in April 2020.